County Green Committee
Will County launched its own internal Green Team in 2010. Members include at least one employee from each department across a variety of elected offices. The goal is to develop and implement a variety of goals to make Will County more energy efficient and a better steward of natural resources.
It is anticipated that the Green Team will:
Provide ideas and policy recommendations to the County Executive and the County Board to make Will County government more energy efficient and conservation oriented. This will be accomplished by working with County Departments and elected officials to establish achievable goals to reduce energy, waste disposal and water consumption, making Will County more sustainable and a model for other communities.
- Gather information from various departments and sources to establish a benchmark to know current energy usage and conservation practices.
- After gathering information, assess ways to reduce energy, waste consumption and water usage
- Provide recommendations and establish goals to make Will County more energy efficient and conserve our natural resources
- Implement energy efficiency and conservation recommendations
- Work with the Will County officials to implement a Long Term Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan
- Become a model for other governmental entities, businesses and non-profit organizations for energy efficiency and conservation
Actual Steps taken for this process:
The following items are provided to assist businesses, schools and non-profits with establishing their own Green Teams and their own "green" goals. Will County offers one example of the organizational framework to accomplish these tasks.
Preparing for the First Meeting
Educating Employees - Building Awareness
Will County created 8.5 x 11 Table Top Displays for lunch rooms. Flyers are alternated monthly.