Will County Center for Community Concerns (WCCCC) is a not-for-profit organization which provides assistance to low-income individuals. Their short and long term programs provide many benefits throughout the community. One of their valuable programs includes The Illinois Weatherization Assistance Program.
The Illinois Weatherization Assistance Program
This program was developed in order to help Will County residents save fuel and energy in their homes. Energy audits are conducted in order to ensure the home is as comfortable and energy efficient as possible. Materials and labor are free of charge to qualified households. All work is done at NO COST to the landlord or tenant.
What will this program evaluate?
An assessor will be sent out to the home to inspect the following:
- Heating system (i.e. furnace)
- Insulation of exterior walls and attics
- Weather-stripping of doors
- Caulking of windows
- Sealing of bypasses to prevent the escape of air from the home
- Other energy conservation measures (i.e. replacement of old refrigerator, if necessary)
How will I benefit from this program?
The Illinois Weatherization Assistance Program provides many economic, environmental, and social benefits. Getting your home weatherized will help with the following:
- Reduction of energy use
- Reduced household energy bills
- Cleaner environment
- Improved air quality
- Improved health and safety
- Fewer homes demolished and rebuilt
Who qualifies for this program?
Assistance for this program is available to homeowners as well as individuals who are renting. This program works with all types of homes including single-family residents, multi-unit buildings, mobile homes, townhouses and condos. Only income-eligible residents of Will County will be taken into consideration for this program. In order to see if your home qualifies, please visit a location near you to submit an application. To better prepare yourself make sure you have the following items when going to apply:
- Social security cards for all household members
- Gross income for 90 days prior to date of application for every household member 18 years of age and older
- Most recent gas and electric bills
- Proof of ownership (i.e. property deed, tax bill, mortgage statement or lease)
- Other documents may be requested at time of application
For additional information call the Weatherization Information Line at(815)722-0722 ext. 451
or Click Here to visit the WCCCC website.
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